11 ½ Dunoon Road
Kingston 2
Jamaica, W.I.
(876) 928-1226
"Honest Labour Bears a Lovely Face"
Our board members today are legally and morally charged with the responsibility of maintaining and building Vaz Preparatory School, for education, scientific, charitable and religious purposes, consistent of course with the Vaz Prep School Philosophy of Education and the company’s Article of Memorandum and Association.
We seek as a board to continue, as much as possible, to fulfil the dream of the founder, Hazel Vaz, to provide the best possible all-round education with a strong Christian foundation, at a price affordable to all who desire it.
We are able to attract and retain a cadre of the most dedicated and qualified teachers to be found anywhere in Jamaica. The school’s outstanding record of achievements, to a large extent, is due to their consistent striving for excellence by our leaders. The Lord has blessed our school with much success. Its influence is far and wide, its reputation is second to none, and its consistency is the envy of many.
Chairman: Dr. Roderick James
Vice Chairman: Pending
Secretary: Mrs. Fay Nash- Campbell
Treasurer: Pending
Principal Emeritus: Mrs. Beverley Ulett
Principal: Mrs. Karlene Bisnott
Bursar: Mrs. Jennifer Blake-Lewis
PTA President: Mrs. Elaine Williams
Financial Consultant: Mr. Robin Levy
Other Members: Mr. John Ulett, Mrs. Nesta -Claire Hunter
11 ½ Dunoon Road
Kingston 2
Jamaica, W.I.
(876) 928-1226
"Honest Labour Bears a Lovely Face"